Thursday, January 30, 2014

Souper Bowl Sabbath

Our potluck theme this week is of course, "Soup-er Bowl" as is our tradition on Super Bowl weekend!  Panera "bread bowls" green salad, & drinks will be provided....just bring your favorite soup, soup toppings, & crackers to share.  Desserts or appetizers welcome too!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Chinese New Year

Potluck theme this week is "Chinese New Year" so bring your favorite Asian inspired dish to share!  Rice, stir-fry, egg rolls, chopsticks, & fortune cookies provided.  We'll be celebrating all the January birthdays as well.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Tuscan Table & Winter Movie Night

What a full, fun-filled weekend ahead!

Potluck theme this week is "The Tuscan Table!"  We'll have a big lasagna, garlic rosemary rolls & a copy-cat Olive Garden salad.  Anybody want to bring drinks, a vegetable, or a dessert?

All set for a winter movie night?  Let's get together for popcorn, pizza & floats Saturday night, January 11!

For details, contact us through our Facebook page or by emailing