Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mexican Fiesta... and preview for next week's theme!

Happy August!  Summer is beginning to wind down and school will start soon...wheeeeeee!  We will celebrate all of our August birthday’s (which are many) the final Sabbath of August.

We are looking forward to seeing you and your family this weekend!  Our potluck theme this week is “Mexican Fiesta.”  Come make a “haystack” with us...

Our potluck theme NEXT week is “Back to School.”  Bring a plate of sandwiches, a basket of red apples, or carrot/celery sticks!  Chips, cookies, and juice will be provided.  Hope you can join us!

Upcoming Potluck Themes:
8/22    “Meet Me at the Fair”
8/29    “Mediterranean Mix”
9/05    “Labor Day BBQ”
9/12    “Soup for the Soul”
9/19    “Fall is in the Air”