Friday, December 9, 2016

Winter Pizza Party

 Happy Holidays folks!  As we welcome December, we wish you good health, family, friends, and the blessing of Christ’s birth.
As always, w
e look forward to seeing you & your family this weekend!  Our potluck theme is “Winter Pizza Party.”  Bring a favorite pizza topping, salad, or dessert to share...

We would like to go caroling one afternoon following potluck....please let us know if you’d like to participate and what Sat. afternoon would work best for your family.  Also, we hope to organize our annual ice skating party at Triangle Park downtown.  Any takers?

The adult Bible study will take place in the fellowship area by the fireplace while the youth meet in the adjacent side rooms.  Come enjoy a bite of breakfast or a hot drink before diving into the lesson study together.  And kiddos....come ready to write/color in your sketchbooks & have song service with our ukuleles!

Have we missed anyone’s birthday or anniversary?  Please let us know so we can update our list!
Would anyone be willing to host a holiday movie night or game night at their home??

Our annual Christmas program will be here before we know it.....if you are willing to participate in music, song, prayer, scripture, or through a Christmas story....please let us know!  It will tentatively be held during the worship hour on Sabbath, December 24th....Christmas Eve!

Don’t forget to bring your prayer requests each week ~ we have index cards available so you can make notes & share them during the worship service.  See Grace Anderson if you would like your requests added to the prayer chain...

We love participation in our worship if you would ever like to sing or play a song, read a scripture, tell a children’s story, or help in any other way....please let us know!  And if you would like to coordinate a community volunteer activity for our group ~ we are always searching for new ideas!

Our bgsc “supply closet” is in need of a few items:
    Keurig refills (all kinds....tea, hot cocoa, apple cider, etc)
    Pop tarts,
mixed nuts, dried fruits or trail mix
    **juice boxes
    **mini water bottles

12/17    “Christmas Dinner”
12/24    NO POTLUCK...It’s Christmas Eve!
12/31    “New Year’s Celebration!”
01/07    “Chili on a chilly day”