Friday, January 20, 2017

Tom & Chee

With this beautiful’d think it was Spring!  Not quite!  We look forward to seeing you & your family this weekend at BGSC.  Our potluck theme is “Tom & Chee!”  We’ll enjoy tomato soups, grilled cheese sandwiches (any breads and cheeses welcome), crackers, dessert and punch.

Big congratulations and best wishes to Ben, Christy & little Ben Greeman!  Baby Emma Kathryn was born healthy and happy on January 12th.  We look forward to meeting her soon!  Continue to keep Sarah Jane  and Brad Calvert in your prayers as they count down the days before they welcome their new baby girl too.  We’ll soon have two precious babies joining our church family!

We are in need of some assistance in our youth department....we have a new “youth” class (teen girls) beginning this week.  We will also be launching our “cradle roll” department in the next few months as we are welcoming several new babies into our church family!  If you are interested in helping out please let us know.....we so appreciate it!

Are you nimble on the ice?!!  We still hope to embark on our annual ice skating party downtown at Triangle Park this month.....but we need a few more folks!

Don’t forget to bring your prayer requests each week ~ we have index cards available so you can make notes & share them during the worship service.  See Grace Anderson if you would like your requests added to the prayer chain...

We love participation in our worship if you would ever like to sing or play a song, read a scripture, tell a children’s story, or help in any other way....please let us know!  And if you would like to coordinate a community volunteer activity for our group ~ we are always searching for new ideas!
Have we missed anyone’s birthday or anniversary?  Please let us know so we can update our list!

Please let us know if you have an updated email address, phone number, or snail mail address.  We love to keep in touch!  Also, please let us know if there is anyone you would like for us to add to our weekly group email.

Our bgsc “supply closet” is always in need of a few items:
    Keurig refills (all kinds....tea, hot cocoa, apple cider, etc)
    Pop tarts,
mixed nuts, dried fruits or trail mix
    **juice boxes
    **mini water bottles
    olive oil and vegetable oil
    liquid or powdered creamers


01/28    “Chinese New Year Celebration” (Asian dishes)
02/4    “Soup-er-bowl” (soup in bread bowls, and appetizers)
02/11    “Valentine’s Day Dinner” (chocolate, chocolate, chocolate)
02/18    “President’s Day Dinner” (all American fare)
02/25    “Black History Month Menu” (“soul food”)