Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Downtown Abbey, the Salvation Army, and Mardi Gras!

Snow, snow, go away....come again another winter day!  As we wind February down looking forward to March & the beginning of Spring....we hope that you & your family are staying toasty warm & well.

This week, our potluck theme is "Downton Abbey!"  Contact Melia Schmidt if you have questions...

FYI -- our local Salvation Army is in desperate need of some staples including:

Peanut butter
Pasta/spaghetti sauce
Canned fruits/veggies
Canned soups
Boxed mac & cheese

If you would like to donate any of the items mentioned above, bring them to church & we'll pool our donations!


Potluck theme is "Mardi Gras" so get your masks ready & rev up your King Cake appetite!  Fat Tuesday is March 4th!

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