Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back to School

Our potluck theme this week is "Back to School!"  We'll enjoy sandwiches, chips, relishes, apples, "ants on a log," cookies, apple sparkling water & juice boxes.  THIS Sabbath evening BGSC will again serve dinner at the Ronald McDonald House at 7:00 (arrive at 5 pm to help cook/set up).  We hope you & your family can join us for set-up, supper, & clean-up!

NOTE - Soccer practice with Coach is ON for this Sunday!


August 23 - Potluck theme is "County Fair Carnival" (corn dogs, nachos, cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, etc...)

August 30 - Labor Day Weekend!  Potluck theme is "Let's Luau" as we kiss summer goodbye ;(

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