Friday, November 14, 2014

Brown Bag Buffet

News flash....Thanksgiving is 2 weeks from today!  Whew!  BGSC is so thankful for each one of you ~ thank you for all you do to make our small group a success!  Your hard work, diligence, financial support, faithfull attendance, friendship & yummy food (ha) are what keeps us moving forward.  BGSC is blessed!

Our potluck theme this chilly weekend is "Brown Bag Buffet" featuring soups, salads & sandwiches.  Bring a favorite to share.  During potluck this week you will have the opportunity to write Christmas cards of encouragement, thanks and holiday cheer to be sent to members of our US Armed Forces (who cannot be with their families during the holidays this year).  Cards and pens will be provided....we hope you will take a moment to jot a few notes to our brave men and women in uniform!  All cards will be combined and given to the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes program here in Lexington.  Thank you!

It's Thanksgiving basket time!  We are continuing to collect canned goods for a needy family ~ bring a can or two to share if you have extra, and/or holiday paper products or drinks.  It will be delivered next weekend after potluck.

FYI...a large portion of our small BGSC family will be "on the road" Thanksgiving weekend....spending time with family near, and far.  It is also a 5th Sabbath ~ which only happens a couple of times a year.  In light of this, we have decided to close our doors on Sabbath, November 29, so that everyone can be free to enjoy the weekend with their loved ones, and/or spend it out in the community serving neighbors, family & friends in the spirit of true thankfulness.  From now on, we may spend our 5th Sabbath's out in the community....spreading God's love & ministering to others.  Let us know what you think of the idea??!


BGSC will be having a small holiday get together at someone's home in Dec!  Look for more info...
BGSC will be joining Twin Pines Christian Church for their live nativity on December 19 & 20.  More to come on that...
BGSC will plan to go caroling together again this December at Richmond Place apartments....hope you can join us!


Nov 22 - Potluck theme is "Thanksgiving Dinner!"
Nov 29 - Happy Thanksgiving!  BGSC is "on the road!"
Dec 6 - Potluck theme is "The Grinch Stole Lunch."
Dec 13 - Potluck theme is "Holiday Appetizer Fest."
Dec 20 - Potluck theme is "Christmas Dinner!"
Dec 27 - Potluck theme is "Panini's & Pie."

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