Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Appetizer Extravaganza

We are looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend at BGSC!  Our potluck theme is "Holiday Appetizer Extravaganza!"  Bring your favorite appetizer (hot or cold) to share.  There will be a lot of yumminess....

BGSC is going caroling together at The Willows in Hamburg THIS Sabbath afternoon, December 13 after potluck.  We hope you can join us!  Bring an instrument if you have one, and some pre packaged Christmas candy to hand out...

FYI....we are still collecting gently used Christmas decorations for Youth Arbor Services (who have placed several families in homes that are without holiday decorations this year)...


Mark your holiday calendars!  BGSC will be having a small holiday get together at Judy & Georgia Gail Dawahare's home on Sunday afternoon, December 21st at 4:00 pm!

Don't forget...we will be helping Twin Pines Christian Church out with their live nativity on December 19 & 20 from 6-8 pm.

Our youth group will be going ice skating downtown @ Triangle Park NEXT Saturday night following the live nativity!  Hope you ALL can join us even if it's to cheer from the sideline's with hot cocoa :)

BGSC's Christmas service will be Sabbath, December 20th.  We will be having our own small "live" nativity scene!"  If you would like to read a story or poem, play or sing a song, or be involved ~ please see Suzanne Austin or Melia Schmidt!

Our Christmas movie night is coming up....stay tuned!


Dec 20 - Potluck theme is "Christmas Dinner!"
Dec 27 - Potluck theme is "Panini's & Pie."
Jan 3 - Potluck theme is "New Year, New You!"
Jan 10 - Potluck theme is "Little Italy"

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