Friday, April 10, 2015

The Master's

We hope you & your family are well & we look forward to seeing you this weekend at BGSC!  We will continue with our study series by Pastor Dwight.  Our adult & youth groups will meet at their regular time, followed by the worship hour & then potluck.  Our theme this week is “The Master’s.”  As you know, this week brings several days of amazing golf to Augusta, GA.  Let’s celebrate with Arnold Palmer’s, Boagie hoagie’s, pimiento cheese and olive nut sandwiches, chips, dips, and desserts !  Bring a favorite sandwich spread, dip, or appetizer dish to share.  Of course, we love to have you join us even if you don’t bring a single thing ~ we always have plenty.

We are still collecting white towels, white twin sheets, pillows, & individually pre-packaged snacks for Youth Arbor Services here in town.  In addition, we are collecting carrots, apples, straw, brooms, rakes, & fly spray for the horses at the Kentucky Equine Humane Center.  They provide humane treatment and shelter while working to find adopted homes for all of Kentucky’s unwanted/abused/abandoned/homeless horses.  

NEWSFLASH ~ We have had an offer for BGSC to participate in a potential church building mission trip to Laos!  It would be in cooperation with ADRA Laos or the Laos Mission.    Anybody interested??

We are looking for more folks to lead out in the prayer time, singing/playing a special musical number, or reading a scripture, etc....please let us know!

Continue to forward us your prayer requests as we are trying to compile an updated list and get a reliable prayer chain in motion!

NOTE...we have several graduations coming up this Spring/Summer.  We are planning a graduation party to celebrate these accomplishments!  Let us know if you or someone you know is graduating, & if you have any ideas or would like to help plan the event...

Upcoming Potluck Themes:
4/18    “Keeneland Kick-off.”
4/25    “Go Green (Earth Day).”
5/02    “Derby Day Delights.”
5/09    “Mother’s Day.”
5/16    “Armed Forces Day.”
5/23    “Memorial Day BBQ.”
5/30    “Summer Sizzle!”

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