Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Winter Brunch

Its hard to believe ~ but we’ve made it to the halfway mark ~ January 16!   As always, we are looking forward to seeing you & your family this weekend.  Those of you who have been away for the extended holidays have been missed!  This week, our adult Bible study group will meet as usual in the fellowship area by the fire...while our youth groups meet in the side rooms to the right & left.  Potluck theme is “Winter Brunch!”  Bring a favorite brunch dish to share....

We had a lot of fun ice skating downtown at Triangle Park on Sunday evening...missed everyone who couldn’t make it!  The temps were very chilly....but hot cocoa and heaters made it a fun event!  We even witnessed a bride and groom jump out of their limo and run around the park/ice rink area taking selfies!  Ha!

Don’t forget that we will be preparing dinner at the Ronald McDonald House on Friday evening, January 29.  We will arrive at 5:00 to cook...and serve dinner at 7:00.  More info coming on menu and music......

PS:  BGSC is getting low on a few things in our “storage closet.”  If you would like to donate an item or two, see the list below...thank you!

Mini water bottles
Juice boxes
Keurig refills
Restaurant “to go” containers
Plastic storage containers (to send food home with folks)
Ziploc bags (all sizes)
White paper plates & bowls
Mixed nuts

Upcoming Potluck Themes:
1/23/16    “Chili for a Chilly Day.”
1/30/16    “Chinese New Year!”
2/06/16    “Soup-er Bowl”
2/13/16    “Valentine Love Lunch”
2/20/16    “The Bar’s Have It!” (baked potato bar & salad bar)
2/27/16    “Leap Year Pizza Party.”

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