Friday, February 5, 2016

Souper Bowl

Happy February!  We look forward to seeing each one of you at BGSC this weekend.  Our potluck theme is “Soup-er Bowl!”  If possible, bring a favorite pot of soup, salad, or appetizer to share.  Soup will be served in bread bowls....mmmmmmm!  We’ll be making Valentine’s for shut-in’s during potluck this week if you would like to bring craft supplies or cards.

Thanks to everyone who came out last Friday evening & prepared dinner at the Ronald McDonald House.  We had a lot of fun and a HUGE crowd.  The house manager said it was the biggest supper group she had ever seen.  We had the opportunity to cook for, eat with, pray for, & fellowship with a lot of lovely folks.  Check our Facebook page for pictures!

A big thank you to all who have brought items for our supply closet this month.  We so appreciate it!  There are still a few things left if you are interested in picking something up....

  • Keurig refills
  • Powdered creamers
  • Ziploc bags (all sizes)

2/13/16    “Valentine Love Lunch”
2/20/16    “President’s Day Dinner”
2/27/16    “Leap Year Pizza Party”
03/05/16    “Downton Abbey”
03/12/16    “Luck O’ the Irish Lunch”  
03/19/16    “Spring has Sprung”
03/26/16    “Easter Brunch”

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