Friday, March 16, 2018

St. Patty's Picnic

Dear BGSC Family & Friends,

“May the road rise to meet you....may the wind be always at your back....may the sun shine warm upon your face....and until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.”  Happy St. Patrick’s Day week!  Join us for o ur regular Bible study time, worship service, and potluck meal.  Our theme is of course, “St. Patty’s Picnic.”  If desired, bring a favorite Irish dish to share...or any Irish decorations you would like to bring for our buffet table!

Thanks to everyone who came out last Sabbath evening to help us make and serve dinner at the Ronald McDonald House!!!  I heard someone say, “this is the best meal we’ve had in such a long time!”  I think we had a total of 15 BGSC peeps show up and it was a lot of fun!  Check out our Facebook page for pictures!

Please keep the entire Kurzynske family in your prayers.....Rick & Janet lost their niece Michal day before yesterday.  She was only 37 years old.  I know they appreciate your prayers during this difficult time.  The funeral is this Friday in Georgia.  In addition, please continue to keep Victor and Patricia and family in your prayers.....Victor’s dad and Patricia’s sister are experiencing substantial health issues at this time.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our church family!

Our supply closet is in need of:
juice boxes
white dinner size paper plates
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix

3/24    “Easter Luncheon”
3/31    “NO potluck...only a light brunch during SS (Easter weekend)
4/07    “The Masters”
4/14    “Keeneland Luncheon”
4/21    “Earth Day”
4/28    “April Showers bring May flowers”
5/05    “Derby”
5/12    “Mother’s Day Brunch”
5/19    “Royal Wedding Luncheon”
5/26    “Memorial Day BBQ”