Thursday, August 23, 2018

State Fair Faves

Dear BGSC Family & Friends,

Happy Dawg Days of Summer!  Join us this Sabbath for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “State Fair Faves.”  If possible, bring a “fair treat” or dish of your choice to share......or “fair” decorations for our buffet!

This past Tuesday “Little Ben” Greeman celebrated his 5th birthday, and this Friday Bridgette will celebrate her birthday!  Next week Christy Greeman celebrates her birthday on August 29 and Coach & Suzanne celebrate their wedding anniversary on the same day.  Then on August 31 Judy Dawahare celebrates her birthday.  Happy Birthday and Anniversary y’all!

A big shout out to Stephanie Wells who is helping us with our youth class!  She has already compiled a list of great outreach ideas for our kiddos to start working on....yay!

We are taking up a freewill offering for a young lady here in town who is just 17 (nearly 18) and getting ready to start college at UK this week.  Her father died in February and her grandmother died not long after.  Finding herself homeless....she came to live with a friend’s parents here in Lex.  She is a 4.0 student who graduated from Henry Clay this spring despite a lot of setbacks in her young life.  If you would like to help.....we are raising $$ to aid her with entrance fees for college.  Melia is coordinating with her friend who this sweet young lady is living with.  Thank you!

BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!  We are also collecting notecards of any kind (sympathy, congratulatory, encouragement etc...).

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!

Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit
crayons and markers for our youth dept

9/01    “Nantucket Nosh ~ New England Favorites”
9/08    “Grandparents Day Dinner”
9/15    “Tailgates & Touchdowns”
9/22    “Fall has Arrived”
9/29    “OctoberFEST”