Thursday, February 28, 2019

Southern Veggies

Happy March!  Our potluck theme this weekend is, “Southern Veggies” in honor of well, Southern veggies.  Bring a casserole, entrée, side dish, salad, or dessert to share...

This week we start a new story theme called “He is Alive” in our “little peoples class.”  It will begin our countdown to Easter weekend April 19-21.  Hope to see you and your kiddos there!  Our older youth class will be doing a really fun craft involving “tying blankets.”  Yay!

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?  We love your input and participation.

Let us know if you have a name/address of someone who would appreciate a card in the mail.....Stephanie is doing a great job with our card ministry!

Our supply closet is in need of:
A variety of keurig refill cups (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

03/09    “Mardi Gras”
03/16      “St. Patrick’s Day Dinner”
03/23    “Spring is Sprung”
03/30    “March Madness”
04/06    “Earth Day”
04/13    “Keeneland”
04/20    “Easter Brunch”
04/27    “Cinco de Mayo”
05/04    “Derby”
05/11    “Mother’s Day”
05/18    “BLT’s”
05/25    “Memorial Day BBQ”

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