Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Downtown Abbey, the Salvation Army, and Mardi Gras!

Snow, snow, go away....come again another winter day!  As we wind February down looking forward to March & the beginning of Spring....we hope that you & your family are staying toasty warm & well.

This week, our potluck theme is "Downton Abbey!"  Contact Melia Schmidt if you have questions...

FYI -- our local Salvation Army is in desperate need of some staples including:

Peanut butter
Pasta/spaghetti sauce
Canned fruits/veggies
Canned soups
Boxed mac & cheese

If you would like to donate any of the items mentioned above, bring them to church & we'll pool our donations!


Potluck theme is "Mardi Gras" so get your masks ready & rev up your King Cake appetite!  Fat Tuesday is March 4th!

Friday, February 14, 2014

valentine's weekend

Our potluck theme this week is, "In Love with Breakfast (for lunch)!"  You won't want to miss the homemade heart waffles with strawberries, whipped cream, warm syrup & powdered sugar (I promise you)!  Fresh squeezed OJ coming too....& homemade creamy hot cocoa.

Note....the youth will be making Valentine's again this week for folks in the nursing home & kiddos in the children's hospital.  Feel free to bring your favorite craft supplies to share.

Our worship service this week will include songs & scripture about the love of God on this Valentine's weekend!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

olympic fever & this week's outreach

Our potluck theme this week is "Olympic Fever" as the world converges on Sochi, Russia for the Olympic Opening Ceremonies tomorrow.  Let's celebrate with food from around the world...anything goes!

Note....for a portion of youth SS this week.....we'll be making Valentine's for folks in the nursing home & kiddos in the children's hospital.  Feel free to bring your favorite craft supplies!