Thursday, March 13, 2014

Luck of the Irish Potluck & Outreach Project for Prisoners Down on Their Luck

Winter hasn't gone away....yet....but Spring will arrive in 1 week!  Join us this weekend for a cozy Celtic worship service & fellowship meal.  We are looking forward to seeing you & your families at Twin Pines.  Our potluck theme will be a jolly green "Luck of the Irish" feast in honor of St. Patrick's Day!

We will be going to "The Willows" over in Hamburg following potluck this week.  We'll be singing, doing puzzles, taking daffodils, & visiting with patients there.  We would love for you to come along & help spread some Spring cheer!

FYI....BGSC is collecting personal hygiene items for prisoners in a remote prison in Georgia.  They are desperate for things such as combs, toothbrushes, dental floss, shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, etc.  we will be collecting for several weeks....thank you!

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