Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cabana Banana

Welcome to June!  We start a new sermon series this week!

Our potluck theme is "Cabana Banana!"  Lunch will include spicy black beans over coconut lime rice with plantain chips, lots of toppings, tropical green salad, & "piña colada" punch.

BGSC's youth are playing soccer with Coach Austin again!  Let us know if your kiddos are interested in a good workout.  Sunday mornings at 9 am....the Schmidt's yard....pool is open!

FYI ~ Father's Day weekend is coming soon....if you would like to participate in our special service or have any cool ideas for potluck - let us know!  Drum roll....BGSC will have its 3-year anniversary in just one month on July 5!  And, a group from BGSC will be attending the annual patriotic concert on the lawn @ Transylvania Univ. on Thursday evening, July 3.  Plan to join us for a fun picnic & amazing concert!!

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