Friday, June 27, 2014

Pizza Parlor

Our potluck theme this week will be "Pizza Parlor!"  Bring your fav pizza toppings including any fresh veggies or herbs from your garden.  We'll have "Olive Garden" inspired salad, Italian sodas & we'll celebrate Brad's birthday with banana splits!  We will also have a LemonAID stand at potluck (run by our youth) for the next 4 weeks....,,so bring your loose change!  This benefits homeless kids in the Bluegrass!

THIS SUNDAY.....BGSC will be making dinner for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House!  Join us at 5pm to cook.....serving time is 7:00.  Bring an apron!  We will all eat together with the residents.  If you are able to bring food supplies....text Melia & she will let u know what's still on the "need" list!  Thanks all!

BGSC's youth are having a ball playing soccer with Coach Austin this Summer!  Let us know if your kiddos are interested in a good workout.  Sunday morning's at 9 am @ the Schmidt's.

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