Friday, February 20, 2015

Patriotic President’s Day Picnic

WOW ~ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!  We will keep a sharp eye on the weather & send out an email on Fri night or Sat morning if BGSC is cancelled.  We will also post cancellation info on our Facebook page!  Please stay warm & safe in this historic winter weather...

This week we will begin a new study series!  Our adult & youth groups will meet at their regular time, followed by the worship hour, & then potluck.  Our theme is “Patriotic President’s Day Picnic” featuring homemade veggie burgers, chips, baked beans, potato salad, & apple pie.  Of course, we love to have you join us even if you don’t bring a single thing ~ we always have plenty!

This week, we sent off all of your donations of toothbrushes/toothpaste for Haiti!  They were received today & greatly appreciated.  A dental team will be flying to Haiti next weekend and will take the supplies we collected among others.  Thank you!

If anyone is interested in leading out in the prayer time, singing/playing a special musical number, or reading a scripture, etc....please let us know!

Continue to forward us your prayer requests as we are trying to compile an updated list!

2/28    Potluck theme is “Mardi Gras Grub.”
3/07    Potluck theme is “Downton Abbey Dishes.”
3/14    Potluck theme is “St. Patty’s Day Irish Lunch.”
3/21    Potluck theme is “Spring has Sprung.”
3/28    Potluck theme is “Passover Picnic.”

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