Thursday, February 26, 2015

Patriotic President's Day Picnic-- Take 2!

Hello all!  Did you & yours survive the snow?!  We are looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.  Our adult & youth groups will meet at their regular time, followed by the worship hour, & then potluck!

Because we missed church do to weather last week, we're still going with the  theme is “Patriotic President’s Day” featuring baked burgers, potato salad, baked beans, chips, desserts & drink.  Of course, we love to have you join us even if you don’t bring a single thing ~ we always have plenty!

If anyone is interested in leading out in the prayer time, singing/playing a special musical number, or reading a scripture....please let us know!

Please forward us your prayer requests as we are trying to compile an updated list!

3/07    Potluck theme is “Downton Abbey Dishes.”
3/14    Potluck theme is “St. Patty’s Day.”
3/21    Potluck theme is “Spring has Sprung.”
3/28    Potluck theme is “Let’s go Cruising!”

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