Friday, March 6, 2015

Chili for a Chilly Day

WOW ~ historic winter wonderland continues.  Please stay warm & safe today!  BGSC is ON for tomorrow, unless the roads continue to worsen or there are frozen pipe problems at TPCC.  We will send out another email in the morning IF we cancel & will also post it on our FB page.

This week we will continue with our new study series!  Our adult & youth groups will meet at their regular time, followed by the worship hour, & then potluck.  Our theme has changed due to the will now be “Chili for a Chilly Day.”  We’ll have lots of hot chili, & plenty of “haystack” toppings!  Of course, we love to have you join us even if you don’t bring a single thing ~ we always have plenty.  Bon Appetit!  There is a baby shower at TPCC tomorrow at our potluck will start right on schedule and we’ll make clean up quick!
We are still collecting white towels, white twin sheets, pillows, & individually pre-packaged snacks for Youth Arbor Services.

If anyone is interested in leading out in the prayer time, singing/playing a special musical number, or reading a scripture, etc....please let us know!

Continue to forward us your prayer requests as we are trying to compile an updated list...

3/14    Potluck theme is “St. Patty’s Day Irish Lunch.”
3/21    Potluck theme is “Spring has Sprung.”
3/28    Potluck theme is “Passover Picnic.”
4/04    Potluck theme is “Easter Brunch.”

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