Thursday, March 10, 2016

Luck O’ the Irish Lunch

It’s finally feeling like Spring!!  Don’t forget to set your clocks forward this weekend!  Our Easter service is scheduled for March 19 & it’s beginning to take shape!  If you are interested in doing a musical number, a reading/scripture/poem, or helping with the decorations and/or brunch potluck to follow the service...please let us know...we’d love your input!  We would be thrilled for you to invite friends & family to join us that day...

Our adult study group will meet as usual in the fellowship area by the fireplace.  Bonnie always has a lovely breakfast spread for everyone to enjoy beside the crackling come & enjoy it with us!   Our youth study groups continue to meet in the adjacent rooms.  The “ukulele choir” is working on a special number for the Easter service ~ hope you can join us ~ we have plenty of uke’s to go around in every color of the rainbow!

This week our potluck theme is “Luck O’ the Irish Lunch.”  Bring a favorite “St. Patrick’s” themed dish to share.  For those who help out in the kitchen ~ look for the “team potluck text”
going out later today....thanks!

Don’t forget to bring your prayer requests this week ~ we have index cards available so you can make notes & share them during the worship service.  See Grace Anderson if you would like your requests added to the prayer chain...

NOTE ~ Arbor Youth Services here in Lex is housing a 19 year old woman who is pregnant with twins.  She is due any day and in need of baby items and financial assistance.  AYS is also in need of Wal-Mart gift cards for 18 year olds who come to them with nothing.  These cards would help purchase groceries and everyday household items.  See Melia if you can help!

03/19    “Spring has Sprung”
03/26    “Easter Luncheon” (Easter weekend)
04/02    “April Fool’s”
04/09    “Keeneland Kick-off”
04/16    “Tax Day Comfort Food”
04/23    “Earth Day Delights”
04/30    “May Day”
05/07    “Mother’s Day, Derby style” (Derby weekend & Mother’s Day)

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