Friday, December 14, 2018

Don't Be a Grinch|!

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme this week is, “Don’t be a GRINCH!”  If possible, bring a “green” dish to share.  We will be having falafels, salads, pita pockets, hummus and toppings!  Next week if our traditional Christmas program and potluck.....there will be a sign up sheet in the fellowship hall...

Don’t forget to bring items like small chocolates, socks, lip balm, or small holiday bags this week for our nursing home friends next door at Tanbark!  We will put bags together during our youth lesson time and deliver the bags after potluck NEXT WEEK!  Also, if you are interested in participating in our annual Christmas worship service and nativity scene on December 22, please let us know!

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas in Italy

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme this week will be, “Christmas in Italy!”  If possible, bring a pasta dish, sauce, topping, salad, or dessert to share!  Don’t forget to bring items like small chocolates, socks, lip balm, or small holiday bags this week for our nursing home friends next door at Tanbark!  We will put bags together during our youth lesson time and deliver the bags next week after potluck!  Also, if you are interested in participating in our annual Christmas worship service and nativity scene on December 22, please let us know!!!!

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

12/15    “Grinchy Grub”
12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Friday, November 16, 2018

Thanksgiving Dinner

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck this week will be our annual Thanksgiving Dinner!  Thanks to everyone who signed up to bring a dish last week.  If you weren’t with us and didn’t have a chance to sign up for an item....feel free to bring a holiday dish of your choice to share! place of a Thanksgiving basket this year......we are collecting PIES to be brought to church THIS WEEK (Nov 17th) and delivered to the Bluegrass Hospitality Group on Tuesday the 20th.  They will be served at a local Thanksgiving meal for folks in our community less fortunate than ourselves.  BRING PIES if y’all can!  Pumpkin or Apple are being requested....thx!!!!!
This week our youth class will continue practicing ukulele songs for our Thanksgiving and Christmas programs.....join us!  We will also begin planning for our annual nativity scene...

Please continue to keep Matthew Walker in your prayers!  Also asking for prayers for Al (battling pancreatic cancer), Donna (battling lymphoma), the Olson family (who lost their 49 year old daughter/mother/sister/aunt to breast cancer), and Cecilia (who had a college friend pass away unexpectedly).  Let’s also remember all those reeling from the devastating fires in California as well as those displaced by Hurricane Michael.

Interested in participating in our Thanksgiving service on November 24th?  Our Christmas program on December 22nd?  Please give us a shout!

 If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

 Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

11/24    NO POTLUCK
12/01    “Tom & Chee” (tomato soup and grilled cheese)
12/08    “How the Grinch Stole Lunch” (anything goes...)
12/15    “Panini’s and Pie”
12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Friday, November 9, 2018

All-American Chili Dogs & Sides

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme (in honor of Election Day & Veterans Day) is “All-American Chili Dogs & Sides .”  NEXT WEEKEND is our annual THANKSGIVING MEAL.  Look for the sign up sheet at church this week so you know what to bring.  Thanks all!

This week our youth class will begin practicing ukulele songs for our Thanksgiving and Christmas programs.....join us!  We will also begin planning for our annual nativity scene...

This week AND next week we will take up a special offering for Hurricane Michael relief.  We will also begin collecting canned goods for our annual Thanksgiving Basket (that we share with a needy family this time of year).  Please bring your donations for the next two weekends before we deliver the basket the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Any canned goods like sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, corn, or boxed goods like mashed potatoes or mac n cheese are great for starters.  We can bring fresh items on the 17th!  Look for the large basket in the potluck area......thank you all so much!

We are also collecting PIES to be brought to church on the 17th and delivered to Bluegrass Hospitality Group on Tuesday the 20th.  They will be used for a local Thanksgiving meal for folks in our community less fortunate than ourselves.....BRING PIES if y’all can!  Pumpkin or Apple are being requested....

Please continue to keep Matthew Walker in your prayers!  Also remember all those still reeling from Hurricane Michael.

Interested in participating in our Thanksgiving service on November 24th?  Our Christmas program on December 22nd?  Please give us a shout!

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”


11/17    “Thanksgiving Dinner”
11/24    NO POTLUCK
12/01    “Tom & Chee” (tomato soup and grilled cheese)
12/08    “How the Grinch Stole Lunch” (anything goes...)
12/15    “Panini’s and Pie”
12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Friday, November 2, 2018

Fall-Back Brunch

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Fall-Back Brunch.”  We usually begin eating around 1:00!  Don’t forget to set your clocks back Sat night!  If possible, bring a breakfast or brunch dish of your choice to share.  This week AND next week we will take up a special offering for Hurricane Michael relief....stay tuned for more details!  We will also begin collecting canned goods for our annual Thanksgiving Basket (that we share with a needy family this time of year).  Please bring your donations for the next two weekends before we deliver the basket the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Any canned goods like sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, corn, or boxed goods like mashed potatoes or mac n cheese are great for starters.  We can bring fresh items on the 17th!  Look for the large basket in the potluck area......Thank you all so much!

 Please continue to keep Matthew Walker in your prayers....he is out of ICU but is still meeting challenges along the way!

Interested in participating in our Thanksgiving service?  Our Christmas program?  Please give us a shout!

  If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

  Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

11/10    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)
11/17    “Thanksgiving Dinner”
11/24    NO POTLUCK
12/01    “Tom & Chee” (tomato soup and grilled cheese)
12/08    “How the Grinch Stole Lunch”
12/15    “Panini’s and Pie”
12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Minestrone Soup & Salad Bar

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Minestrone Soup & Salad Bar.”

 Please continue to keep Matthew Walker in your prayers....he is out of ICU but is still meeting challenges along the way!  Also, keep the Johnson family in your prayers as they lay Victor’s father to rest in Florida this weekend.  Thank you for praying...

Our 7th annual bonfire/sing-along is THIS SAT NIGHT at 7 pm at the Schmidt’s home in Nicholasville.  Bring a lawn chair, light jacket or blanket & a snack to share.  Hot cider, popcorn, & s’mores provided (and perhaps a golf cart “hay ride”)!

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!
Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)
11/10    “Chili, Toppings & Cornbread”
11/17    “Thanksgiving Dinner”
11/24    NO POTLUCK
12/01    “Tom & Chee” (tomato soup and grilled cheese)
12/08    “How the Grinch Stole Lunch”
12/15    “Panini’s and Pie”
12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Havana Nights

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Havana Nights.”  If possible, bring a Cuban inspired dish (or any dish) of your choice...

  Please continue to keep Matthew Walker in your prayers....he is out of ICU but is still meeting challenges along the way!  Thank you for praying...

Our annual bonfire/sing-along is ONE WEEK AWAY!  It will be at 7 pm on October 27th at the Schmidt’s in Nicholasville.  Bring a lawn chair, light jacket or blanket & a snack to share.  Hot cider, popcorn, & s’mores provided (and perhaps a golf cart hay ride)!  Please feel free to invite friends....

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie Wells their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!
Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Salad Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)
11/10    “Chili, Toppings & Cornbread”
11/17    “Thanksgiving Dinner”
11/24    NO POTLUCK
12/01    “Tom & Chee” (tomato soup and grilled cheese)
12/08    “How the Grinch Stole Lunch”
12/15    “Panini’s and Pie”
12/22    “Christmas Dinner”
12/29    NO POTLUCK
01/05    “New Year’s Celebration”

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Keeneland Kentucky Favorites

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & as always......lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Keeneland Kentucky Favorites.”  If possible, bring a Kentucky favorite or any dish of your choice to share.....and/or Kentucky themed decorations for our buffet table!  We have several celebrations this week and weekend....Ben & Christy had an 8th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Janet retired from UK (after nearly 28 years.....go Janet!), Sarah Jane will celebrate a birthday this Sunday the 14th, and Addie has a birthday next Tuesday!  Congratulations and best wishes to all of you!

A huge thank you to Grace Caudill who is now in charge of our children’s story time during the worship hour.....she has been doing a wonderful job!  Let Grace know if you would like to share a story....

Please continue to keep Matthew Walker in your prayers....he is out of ICU but is still meeting challenges along the way!  Thank you for praying...

Our annual bonfire/sing-along will be at 7 pm on October 27th at the Schmidt’s in Nicholasville.  Bring a lawn chair, light jacket or blanket & a snack to share.  Hot cider, popcorn, & s’mores provided!  Please feel free to invite friends....

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie Wells their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!
Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Coach will be at the Schmidt’s for soccer practice Sunday morning at 9 am.  Hope your kiddos can join us!

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bar
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes

10/20    “Havana Nights” (Cuban black beans, rice, toppings)
10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Salad Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)
11/10    “Chili & Cornbread”
11/17    “Thanksgiving Dinner”
11/24    NO POTLUCK
12/01    “Tom & Chee” (tomato soup and grilled cheese)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Tailgates & Touchdowns

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Tailgates & Touchdowns.”  If possible, bring a heavy appetizer or dish of your choice to share.....and/or football/UK (GO CATS) decorations for our buffet table!

Please keep Matthew Walker in your prayers....he was in a motorcycle accident this past weekend.  Prayers are also requested for Ray Marin who had a heart attack...

We want to wish Khaley a Happy 13th Birthday (last Sunday), Eric a Happy Birthday this coming Monday(Oct 8) and a Happy 8th Anniversary to the Greeman’s (Oct 12)!

Our annual bonfire/sing-along will be at 7 pm on October 27th at the Schmidt’s in Nicholasville.  Bring a lawn chair, light jacket or blanket and a snack to share.  Hot cider, popcorn, and s’mores provided!  Please feel free to invite friends!

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give us their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!
Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Coach will be at the Schmidt’s for soccer practice Sunday morning at 9 am.  Hope your kiddos can join us!

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars
olive oil
blank cards for our “card ministry”
juice boxes

10/13    “Keeneland Luncheon” (Kentucky Faves)
10/20    “Havana Nights” (Cuban black beans, rice, toppings)
10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Salad Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)
11/10    “Chili & Cornbread”
11/17    “Thanksgiving Dinner”
11/24    NO POTLUCK

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Oktoberfest.”  If possible, bring a “German” dish of your choice to share.....or some fall or German decorations for our buffet table!  Happy Anniversary (today) to Stephanie and Frank Wells!

We are looking at dates for our annual bonfire social in October.  Let us know if you and your family will be on vacation or if there is a particular weekend that works well for y’all...

If you have a friend or relative who would appreciate a card....please give us their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are also collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  Thank you!

BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!  We are also collecting notecards of any kind (sympathy, congratulatory, encouragement etc...).

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!

Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Coach will be at the Schmidt’s for soccer practice Sunday morning at 9 am.  Hope your kiddos can join us!

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit
olive oil
blank cards for our “card ministry”
juice boxes

9/29    “Tailgates & Touchdowns”
10/6    “Sub Sandwich Bar”
10/13    “Keeneland Luncheon”
10/20    “Chili & Cornbread”
10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Salad Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fall Favorites

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Fall Favorites,” hinting at the arrival of fall this weekend!  If possible, bring a fall dish of your choice to share.....or fall decorations for our buffet table.  Happy Birthday to Coach Austin (Thurs) and to Grandma Grace Anderson who is turning the BIG 80 on Friday!  We also want to wish Stephanie & Frank Wells a Happy Anniversary....their 18th is on Monday the 24th!

We are looking at dates for our annual bonfire social in October.  Let us know if you and your family will be on vacation or if there is a particular weekend that works well for y’all...

If you have a friend or relative who would appreciate a card....please give us their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are also collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  Thank you!

BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!  We are also collecting notecards of any kind (sympathy, congratulatory, encouragement etc...).

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!

Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Coach will be at the Schmidt’s for soccer practice Sunday morning at 9 am.  Hope your kiddos can join us!

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit
olive oil
blank cards for our “card ministry”
mini waters
juice boxes
white dinner plates (disposable)

9/29    “Tailgates & Touchdowns” (heavy appetizers)
10/6    “OctoberFEST” (Reuben's, beer cheese, pretzels, sauerkraut, you get the pic!)
10/13    “Keeneland Luncheon” (Kentucky favorites)
10/20    “Soups & Cornbread”
10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Bread Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day) (hot dogs and chili)

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Fall Haystacks in the Barn

Join us this weekend for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Fall Haystacks in the Barn.”  If possible, bring a “haystack” topping of your choice to share.....or some fall or “barnyard” decorations for our buffet table!  Happy Birthday this week to Janet Kurzynske (Fri) and Mary Webster (Wed)!!!

We are looking at dates for our annual bonfire social in October.  Let us know if you and your family will be on vacation or if there is a particular weekend that works well for y’all...

If you have a friend or relative who would appreciate a card....please give us their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are also collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  Thank you!

BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!  We are also collecting notecards of any kind (sympathy, congratulatory, encouragement etc...).

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!

Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Coach will be at the Schmidt’s for soccer practice Sunday morning at 9 am.  Hope your kiddos can join us!

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit
olive oil
blank cards for our “card ministry”
mini waters
juice boxes
white dinner plates (disposable)

9/22    “Fall Faves”
9/29    “Tailgates & Touchdowns”
10/6    “OctoberFEST”
10/13    “Keeneland Luncheon”
10/20    “Chili & Cornbread”
10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Bread Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Patriotic Picnic

Dear BGSC Family & Friends,

Happy September!  It still feels like summer huh?  HOT, HOT, HOT!  Join us this weekend in our cool facility for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “Patriotic Picnic” in honor of September 11th this coming week.  If possible, bring a picnic dish of your choice to share.....or some patriotic decorations for our buffet table!

We are starting a new Primary Class this week!  If you would be interested in teaching or helping....please let us know!  We are looking at dates for our annual bonfire social in October.  Let us know if you and your family will be on vacation or if there is a particular weekend that works well for your family.

A big shout out to Stephanie Wells who is helping us with our youth class!  She has already compiled a list of great outreach ideas for our kiddos to start working on....yay!  If you have a friend or relative who would appreciate a card....please give us their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are also collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  Thank you!

BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!  We are also collecting notecards of any kind (sympathy, congratulatory, encouragement etc...).

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!

Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Coach will be at the Schmidt’s for soccer practice Sunday morning at 9 am.  Hope your kiddos can join us!

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit
olive oil
blank cards for our “card ministry”
mini waters

9/08    “Patriotic Picnic”
9/15    “Last of Summer Soups & Salads”
9/22    “Tailgates & Touchdowns”
9/29    “Fall has Arrived”
10/6    “OctoberFEST”
10/13    “Keeneland Luncheon”
10/20    “Chili & Cornbread”
10/27    “Minestrone Soup & Bread Bar”
11/03    “All-American Lunch” (election day & veterans day)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

State Fair Faves

Dear BGSC Family & Friends,

Happy Dawg Days of Summer!  Join us this Sabbath for a light bite of breakfast, fellowship time, Bible study, praise, worship service & lunch.  Our potluck theme is “State Fair Faves.”  If possible, bring a “fair treat” or dish of your choice to share......or “fair” decorations for our buffet!

This past Tuesday “Little Ben” Greeman celebrated his 5th birthday, and this Friday Bridgette will celebrate her birthday!  Next week Christy Greeman celebrates her birthday on August 29 and Coach & Suzanne celebrate their wedding anniversary on the same day.  Then on August 31 Judy Dawahare celebrates her birthday.  Happy Birthday and Anniversary y’all!

A big shout out to Stephanie Wells who is helping us with our youth class!  She has already compiled a list of great outreach ideas for our kiddos to start working on....yay!

We are taking up a freewill offering for a young lady here in town who is just 17 (nearly 18) and getting ready to start college at UK this week.  Her father died in February and her grandmother died not long after.  Finding herself homeless....she came to live with a friend’s parents here in Lex.  She is a 4.0 student who graduated from Henry Clay this spring despite a lot of setbacks in her young life.  If you would like to help.....we are raising $$ to aid her with entrance fees for college.  Melia is coordinating with her friend who this sweet young lady is living with.  Thank you!

BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!  We are also collecting notecards of any kind (sympathy, congratulatory, encouragement etc...).

Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!

Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit
crayons and markers for our youth dept

9/01    “Nantucket Nosh ~ New England Favorites”
9/08    “Grandparents Day Dinner”
9/15    “Tailgates & Touchdowns”
9/22    “Fall has Arrived”
9/29    “OctoberFEST”

Friday, March 16, 2018

St. Patty's Picnic

Dear BGSC Family & Friends,

“May the road rise to meet you....may the wind be always at your back....may the sun shine warm upon your face....and until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.”  Happy St. Patrick’s Day week!  Join us for o ur regular Bible study time, worship service, and potluck meal.  Our theme is of course, “St. Patty’s Picnic.”  If desired, bring a favorite Irish dish to share...or any Irish decorations you would like to bring for our buffet table!

Thanks to everyone who came out last Sabbath evening to help us make and serve dinner at the Ronald McDonald House!!!  I heard someone say, “this is the best meal we’ve had in such a long time!”  I think we had a total of 15 BGSC peeps show up and it was a lot of fun!  Check out our Facebook page for pictures!

Please keep the entire Kurzynske family in your prayers.....Rick & Janet lost their niece Michal day before yesterday.  She was only 37 years old.  I know they appreciate your prayers during this difficult time.  The funeral is this Friday in Georgia.  In addition, please continue to keep Victor and Patricia and family in your prayers.....Victor’s dad and Patricia’s sister are experiencing substantial health issues at this time.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our church family!

Our supply closet is in need of:
juice boxes
white dinner size paper plates
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix

3/24    “Easter Luncheon”
3/31    “NO potluck...only a light brunch during SS (Easter weekend)
4/07    “The Masters”
4/14    “Keeneland Luncheon”
4/21    “Earth Day”
4/28    “April Showers bring May flowers”
5/05    “Derby”
5/12    “Mother’s Day Brunch”
5/19    “Royal Wedding Luncheon”
5/26    “Memorial Day BBQ”

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Winter Olympics Buffet

Happy February!  Fight your cabin fever and join BGSC for food, fellowship, and fun this coming weekend.  Our potluck theme this week is “Winter Olympics Buffet.”  Bring an international dish to share!  And if you have any pertinent decorations ~ bring them for our buffet island!  If you would like to bring a small box or two of chocolates this week.....we are collecting sweets & goodies to deliver to Geneva and some of our shut-in friends for Valentine’s Day.  Thank you!  Next week we will have our special Valentine’s worship service & potluck.  We will also celebrate the engagement of our very own Miss Emily Carlson to Mr. Ryan Brousson.  They will join us!

As usual...the adult Bible study will take place in the fellowship area by the fireplace while the youth meet in the adjacent side rooms.  Come enjoy a bite of breakfast or a hot drink before diving into the lesson study together.  And kiddos....come ready to write/color in your sketchbooks & practice our theme song on the ukuleles!

Don’t forget to bring your prayer requests this week ~ we have index cards available so you can make notes & share them during prayer time.  See Grace Anderson if you would like your requests added to the prayer chain...

We love your participation so please let us know if you would like to have special music, scripture, or a children’s story sometime this year...

Continue to keep our BGSC family in your prayers....we want to be a “sermon in shoes” to all we meet!

Our supply closet is in need of:
mini water bottles
big can of cocoa and bag of marshmallows
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix
hot to go cups

2/17    “Valentine’s Day Delights” (we will celebrate the engagement of Emily & Ryan!)
2/24    “President’s Day Dinner”
3/3    “Southern Veggie Plates & Such”
3/10    “Spring Break Breakfast”
3/17    “St. Patrick’s Day Dinner”
3/24    “Easter Luncheon”
3/31    “NO potluck...only a light brunch during SS (Easter weekend)
4/7    “The Masters”
4/14    “Keeneland Luncheon”
4/21    “Earth Day”
4/28    “April Showers bring May flowers”

Friday, February 2, 2018

Soup-er Bowl

It’s the last day of January ~ WOW!  We hope you and your family are staying safe and warm.  Fight your cabin fever and join BGSC for food, fellowship, and fun this coming weekend.  Our potluck theme this week is “Soup-er Bowl.”  Bring your favorite soup, crackers, or spreads!  And if you have any pertinent decorations ~ bring them for our buffet table!  Thank you!

As usual...the adult Bible study will take place in the fellowship area by the fireplace while the youth meet in the adjacent side rooms.  Come enjoy a bite of breakfast or a hot drink before diving into the lesson study together.  And kiddos....come ready to write/color in your sketchbooks & practice our new theme song on the ukuleles!

Don’t forget to bring your prayer requests this week ~ we have index cards available so you can make notes & share them during prayer time.  See Grace Anderson if you would like your requests added to the prayer chain...

We love your participation so please let us know if you would like to have special music, scripture, or a children’s story sometime this year...

Continue to keep our BGSC family in your prayers this new year!

Our supply closet is in need of:
mini water bottles
big can of cocoa and bag of marshmallows
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix
hot to go cups


2/3    “Soup-er Bowl”
2/10    “Lunch at the Winter Olympics”
2/17    “Valentine’s Day Dinner”
2/24    “President’s Day”
3/3    “Southern Veggie Plates & Such”
3/10    “Spring Break Breakfast!”
3/17    “St. Patrick’s Day Dinner”
3/24    “Easter Luncheon”
3/31    “NO potluck...only a light brunch during ss (Easter weekend)
4/7    “Keeneland Luncheon”

Friday, January 26, 2018

Chinese New Year

Join us for worship, food, fellowship and fun this coming weekend as we kiss the month of January goodbye!  O ur potluck theme will be, “Chinese New Year!”  Bring your favorite Asian dish.  We will be celebrating all of our January birthdays and anniversaries.  And if you have any pertinent decorations ~ bring them for our buffet table!  Thank you!

As usual...the adult Bible study will take place in the fellowship area by the fireplace while the youth meet in the adjacent side rooms.  Come enjoy a bite of breakfast or a hot drink before diving into the lesson study together.  And kiddos....come ready to write/color in your sketchbooks & practice our theme song on the ukuleles! of Sarah Jane’s college besties lost her home in a fire in Long Island, NY.  We are continuing to collect items for their family (3 kiddos).  If you have gently used clothing or toys you would like to donate, we will be sending a few more boxes!  The sizes are adult female small, male medium, and children's sizes.....4T (boy), 6-7 (boy) and 8-10 (girl).  Thank you!

Don’t forget to bring your prayer requests this week ~ we have index cards available so you can make notes & share them during prayer time.  See Grace Anderson if you would like your requests added to the prayer chain...

We love your participation so please let us know if you would like to plan a community volunteer event, organize a potluck, have special music, scripture, or a children’s takes a village!

Continue to keep our BGSC family in your prayers this new year!

Our supply closet is in need of:
mini water bottles
big can of cocoa and bag of marshmallows
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix
hot to go cups


2/3    “Soup-er Bowl”
2/10    “Lunch at the Winter Olympics”
2/17    “Valentine’s Day”
2/24    “President’s Day”
3/3    “Southern Veggie Plates”
3/10    “Spring Break Breakfast!”
3/17    “St. Patrick’s Day”
3/24    “Easter Luncheon”
3/31    “NO potluck...only a light brunch during SS (Easter weekend)