Thursday, January 3, 2019


Happy New Year 2019!  We hope this holiday season brought you and yours much joy, love, prosperity, happiness, and memories to last a lifetime.  Here at BGSC we are so very thankful for each and every one of you!  Thank you for your support, prayers, love, and friendship this past year.  We are looking forward to watching where God leads BGSC in 2019 as we turn 8!  If your contact information has changed....please let us know as we will update our records in the next few weeks.

  We will share a communion service this weekend.  Our “Agape” potluck will include sweet breads, fruits, nuts, small sandwiches, and sweets....etc.  We hope you can join us for this special service as we begin a new year together...

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

  Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refills (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

01/12    “Brunch”
01/19    “Black History Month Luncheon”
01/26    “New Year Celebration”
02/02    “Soup-er Bowl”
02/09    “Chinese New Year”
02/16    “Valentine’s Day Dinner”
02/23    “President’s Day Dinner”

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