Friday, January 11, 2019

No Potluck this week! Join us for brunch instead!

We look forward to seeing you and your family this Sabbath!  Note....potluck is cancelled this week because of a funeral at the church.  But.....we will still enjoy our light brunch/fellowship time.  Bonnie will not be there to set up her breakfast spread this weekend so if you would like to bring a breakfast or brunch dish to share that would be great.  We hope to be finished with the worship service by 12:45 so the incoming group can take over the facility at 1:00.  Thanks all!

If you know someone who would appreciate a card....please give Stephanie their name and address and we will add them to the list.  We are collecting blank cards, stickers and stamps.  BGSC is still collecting new rolls of soft baby yarn (in any color) for hats being knitted & given to newborn babies in the UK NICU here in town.  Thank you!

  Any birthdays or anniversaries we’ve missed?  Let us know!  Any special prayer requests or praises?  Keep those coming!  Interested in planning a potluck?  Providing special music?  Sharing a story or scripture during the worship hour?

Our supply closet is in need of:
keurig refill cups (tea, hot cocoa, etc)
trail mix/dried fruit/granola bars/jam
blank cards and stamps for our “card ministry”
juice boxes
paper plates with “three sections”

01/19    “Black History Month Luncheon”
01/26    “Haystacks”
02/02    “Soup-er Bowl”
02/09    “Chinese New Year”
02/16    “Valentine’s Day Dinner”
02/23    “President’s Day Dinner”

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