Friday, September 4, 2015

Let's Luau

Happy Labor Day Weekend!  Where did the summer go?!  We are looking forward to seeing you & your family this weekend for praise, worship, Bible study, fellowship, & food.  We are still in the midst of our sermon series “Joseph’s Technicolor Coat.”

Our potluck theme is “Let’s Luau.”  Don’t miss it ~ we’ll be celebrating ALL of our August AND September birthdays...and a wedding anniversary!

FYI....We are collecting non perishable items for Dominica following the hurricane last week.  Folks there are in desperate need.  A friend of one of our BGSC family members has family in Dominica.....they will be sending a crate soon.  We will add our items to theirs!  Thank you!

Would anyone be interested in a Sabbath afternoon hike/supper this fall?  Would anyone like to organize?

 Upcoming Potluck Themes:
9/12    “Grandparents Day Dinner”
9/19    “Fall is in the Air”
9/26    “Soup & Salad”
10/3    “Keeneland Kick-off”
10/10    “Tailgate Time”
10/17    “Chili & Cornbread”
10/24    “Pumpkin Farm Feast”
10/31    “Tom Soup & Grilled Cheese”

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