Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Soup & Salad Bar

Fall is just around the corner!  We are looking forward to seeing you & your family this weekend.  Our sermon series, “Joseph’s Technicolor Coat” continues.  P otluck theme is “Soup & Salad Bar.”  Bring a fave soup or salad to share.  Bread, crackers, dessert & drink provided.

We’ll soon begin thinking about organizing our annual holiday program & reception.  Would you like to be involved?  We would love to have your input and support!

Note ~ we are still collecting non perishable items for Dominica following the hurricane several weeks ago.  Folks there are in desperate need.  A friend of one of our BGSC family members has family in Dominica.....they will be sending a crate soon.  We will add our items to theirs!  Thank you!

Also, BGSC will be donating supplies for an event at the New Opportunities School for Women in Berea (in early November).  Let us know if you’d like to help...
 Upcoming Potluck Themes:
9/19    “Soup & Salad Bar”
9/26    “Autumn Favorites”
10/3    “Keeneland Kick-off”
10/10    “Tailgate Time”
10/17    “Chili & Cornbread”
10/24    “Pumpkin Farm Feast”
10/31    “Tom Soup & Grilly Cheese”

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